
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

At it again!

So, we all know how bored I get and how I need little projects to keep me occupied. I have a new one I'm going to work on this summer.

I was talking with my friend Marsha about her organization, Amazing Gifts of Hope, fair trade and human trafficking. She was saying the organization's store is laid out so people can have parties and teach their friends about what many men, women and children around the world suffer through. The promote being aware of how our purchasing habits can effect others in the global community.

It was wonderful hearing her talk about this topic which has weighed so heavily on my heart for the last year. I was moved to do something. So, in true Kate fashion, I offered to pull together a concert to raise awareness. I'm hoping to do it for the end of July or beginning of August. I need to find some music artists to play, but I'm taking it one step as a time.

I'm excited to have another concert to plan. It's becoming one on my favorite things. I love music. I am so happy when something I love works together with my passions. People come to the concerts for the music and (I hope) leave with their eyes opened to the truly blessed life we have here in America. I am thankful that I am in this country of opportunity. I used to feel guilty that I have so much while others have so little. Now I realize I am here for a reason. God doesn't make mistakes. He knew I could use my resources to help people who are on the margins.

If you want to check out the Amazing Gifts of Hope store click here.
If you want to read what Marsha has to say, you can find that here.

Please, if you have a passion for something speak up. You will never know who shares that passion and what opportunities can arise from you teaming up with others.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

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