
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things I Am Thinking Right Now...

I haven't done a list in a while so I felt I should remedy that. Actually, I just have a lot of thought going through my head, but that's all they are, thoughts. So, here you go; my thoughts this evening.

  1. I love the weather we are having right now. It is 77 degrees outside and there are only the beautiful wispy clouds in the blue sky. It is the perfect weather to sit on my deck with some music and my computer and write.

  2. I officially have an apartment. I went to Witt on Tuesday and got the key to the place I will be living for the next two years. I am so excited to get moved in and start visiting friends.

  3. I cannot believe I am 20 and halfway done with college. I still feel really young and immature. I suppose that change one day.

  4. I want to bring back the Rock for a Change concert. I think I'm going to start planning it for this coming summer. I would love to get House of Heroes and Relient K to play for it. I think the cause we would be raising money for is Me to We/Free the Children. They work together on a lot of projects and both were founded by the brothers Kielburger.

  5. I am no longer going to feel bad about my idealism. Luther was an idealist, Mother Theresa was an idealist, and so was most every person who has changed and is changing the world for the better.

  6. I am really disliking being single right now. I was talking with Nat the other day about the kind of guy I think I need/want to marry. I want him to be an outdoorsy guys. I want to go canoeing and hiking with him. I would love for him to be able to sing and play guitar. I need him to be a strong Christian. Preferably a "light" guy to balance out my "darkness" as my friend calls it.
  7. Just found out my grandma is in the hospital. Now I'm worried that she won't make it to Christmas. I don't know that it is that bad, but I always assume the worst.
  8. The book of Romans is growing on me. DeEtte will be excited about that.
  9. Alina is moving to Seattle. That is like crazy far away. I'm gonna miss her. But I'm sure she will do great out there. And who knows, maybe I'll be able to go visit her someday.
  10. I really don't want to clean up the kitchen... please don't make me. Ok, fine. I will do it. But first I'm going to waste an hour on Facebook doing absolutely nothing, but not being bored at all while doing it.

So, that a little bit of what is going on in my head right now.